Hypocrisy and All lives Matter

Hypocrisy and All lives Matter

Take a step ahead from the destination and then find your Destination.
If you get the sea of Discrimination, then look forward to the ocean of Liberation.

Soul gets burnt with the fire of Racism and Repression.
Find the fire which would burn the foundation of Oppression.

What your efforts have done till now? Centuries have been passed.
Now time to find a path, which would completely change the lives of your coming Generations.

For many of the Pseudo Liberals, the slogan is  “All lives Matter”.
Why always not ALL but only the Africans were executed in Detention.?



Floyd was a Black, Born to die here.

Floyd was a Black, Born to die here.
I listened the Blood is very cheap there.
A nation which is called  niggas here.

The nation tree nourished to the highest peak there.
Barren land was fertilized with the sweat of Africans here.

Surface of wide beautiful highways looked like silk there.
Underneath the odor of human blood was felt everywhere.

Africa to America, Lorry full of helpless Blacks , was speedup in fifth Gear.
Economy was boosted, Factories were run with power of their bicep here.

A crazy mob dreaming for the justice there.
Floyd was a black, Born to die here.